
* denotes equal contribution and joint lead authorship.


  1. System-Level Analysis of Module Uncertainty Quantification in the Autonomy Pipeline.
    Sampada Deglurkar*, Haotian Shen*, Anish Muthali, Marco Pavone, Dragos Margineantu, Peter Karkus, Boris Ivanovic, and Claire J. Tomlin,

    In Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2024.

    We present a novel perspective on the design, use, and role of uncertainty measures for learned modules in an autonomous system. While in the current literature uncertainty measures are produced for standalone modules without considering the broader system context, in our work we explicitly consider the role of decision-making under uncertainty in illuminating how "good'" an uncertainty measure is. Our insights are centered around quantifying the ways in which being uncertainty-aware makes a system more robust. Firstly, we use level set generation tools to produce a measure for system robustness and use this measure to compare system designs, thus placing uncertainty quantification in the context of system performance and evaluation metrics. Secondly, we use the concept of specification generation from systems theory to produce a formulation under which a designer can simultaneously constrain the properties of an uncertainty measure and analyze the efficacy of the decision-making-under-uncertainty algorithm used by the system. We apply our analyses to two real-world and complex autonomous systems, one for autonomous driving and another for aircraft runway incursion detection, helping to form a toolbox for an uncertainty-aware system designer to produce more effective and robust systems.


  1. Compositional Learning-based Planning for Vision POMDPs.
    Sampada Deglurkar*, Michael H. Lim*, Johnathan Tucker, Zachary N. Sunberg, Aleksandra Faust, and Claire J. Tomlin,

    In Learning for Decision and Control Conference (L4DC) 2023.

    The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) is a powerful framework for capturing decision-making problems that involve state and transition uncertainty. However, most current POMDP planners cannot effectively handle high-dimensional image observations prevalent in real world applications, and often require lengthy online training that requires interaction with the environment. In this work, we propose Visual Tree Search (VTS), a compositional learning and planning procedure that combines generative models learned offline with online model-based POMDP planning. The deep generative observation models evaluate the likelihood of and predict future image observations in a Monte Carlo tree search planner. We show that VTS is robust to different types of image noises that were not present during training and can adapt to different reward structures without the need to re-train. This new approach significantly and stably outperforms several baseline state-of-the-art vision POMDP algorithms while using a fraction of the training time.
  2. Multi-Agent Reachability Calibration with Conformal Prediction.
    Anish Muthali*, Haotian Shen*, Sampada Deglurkar, Michael H. Lim, Rebecca Roelofs, Aleksandra Faust, and Claire J. Tomlin,

    In Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023.

    We investigate methods to provide safety assurances for autonomous agents that incorporate predictions of other, uncontrolled agents’ behavior into their own trajectory planning. Given a learning-based forecasting model that predicts agents’ trajectories, we introduce a method for providing probabilistic assurances on the model’s prediction error with calibrated confidence intervals. Through quantile regression, conformal prediction, and reachability analysis, our method generates probabilistically safe and dynamically feasible prediction sets. We showcase their utility in certifying the safety of planning algorithms, both in simulations using actual autonomous driving data and in an experiment with Boeing vehicles.
  3. 2021

    1. Visual Learning-Based Planning for Continuous High-Dimensional POMDPs.
      Sampada Deglurkar*, Michael H. Lim*, Johnathan Tucker, Zachary N. Sunberg, Aleksandra Faust, and Claire J. Tomlin,

      In ArXiv Preprint 2021.

      The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) is a powerful framework for capturing decision-making problems that involve state and transition uncertainty. However, most current POMDP planners cannot effectively handle very high-dimensional observations they often encounter in the real world (e.g. image observations in robotic domains). In this work, we propose Visual Tree Search (VTS), a learning and planning procedure that combines generative models learned offline with online model-based POMDP planning. VTS bridges offline model training and online planning by utilizing a set of deep generative observation models to predict and evaluate the likelihood of image observations in a Monte Carlo tree search planner. We show that VTS is robust to different observation noises and, since it utilizes online, model-based planning, can adapt to different reward structures without the need to re-train. This new approach outperforms a baseline state-of-the-art on-policy planning algorithm while using significantly less offline training time.


    1. Quantifying Hypothesis Space Misspecification in Learning from Human-Robot Demonstrations and Physical Corrections.
      Andreea Bobu, Andrea Bajcsy, Jaime F. Fisac, Sampada Deglurkar, and Anca D. Dragan,

      In IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) 2019.
      Best Paper Award Honorable Mention

      Human input has enabled autonomous systems to improve their capabilities and achieve complex behaviors that are otherwise challenging to generate automatically. Recent work focuses on how robots can use such input - like demonstrations or corrections - to learn intended objectives. These techniques assume that the human's desired objective already exists within the robot's hypothesis space. In reality, this assumption is often inaccurate: there will always be situations where the person might care about aspects of the task that the robot does not know about. Without this knowledge, the robot cannot infer the correct objective. Hence, when the robot's hypothesis space is misspecified, even methods that keep track of uncertainty over the objective fail because they reason about which hypothesis might be correct, and not whether any of the hypotheses are correct. In this paper, we posit that the robot should reason explicitly about how well it can explain human inputs given its hypothesis space and use that situational confidence to inform how it should incorporate human input. We demonstrate our method on a 7 degree-of-freedom robot manipulator in learning from two important types of human input: demonstrations of manipulation tasks, and physical corrections during the robot's task execution.
    2. A Scalable Framework for Real-Time Multi-Robot, Multi-Human Collision Avoidance.
      Andrea Bajcsy*, Sylvia L. Herbert*, David Fridovich-Keil, Jaime F. Fisac, Sampada Deglurkar, Anca D. Dragan, and Claire J. Tomlin,

      In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019.

      Robust motion planning is a well-studied problem in the robotics literature, yet current algorithms struggle to operate scalably and safely in the presence of other moving agents, such as humans. This paper introduces a novel framework for robot navigation that accounts for high-order system dynamics and maintains safety in the presence of external disturbances, other robots, and non-deterministic intentional agents. Our approach precomputes a tracking error margin for each robot, generates confidence-aware human motion predictions, and coordinates multiple robots with a sequential priority ordering, effectively enabling scalable safe trajectory planning and execution. We demonstrate our approach in hardware with two robots and two humans. We also showcase our work's scalability in a larger simulation.
    3. 2018

      1. Planning, Fast and Slow: A Framework for Adaptive Real-Time Safe Trajectory Planning.
        David Fridovich-Keil*, Sylvia L. Herbert*, Jaime F. Fisac*, Sampada Deglurkar, and Claire J. Tomlin,

        In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2018.

        Motion planning is an extremely well-studied problem in the robotics community, yet existing work largely falls into one of two categories: computationally efficient but with few if any safety guarantees, or able to give stronger guarantees but at high computational cost. This work builds on a recent development called FaSTrack in which a slow offline computation provides a modular safety guarantee for a faster online planner. We introduce the notion of "meta-planning" in which a refined offline computation enables safe switching between different online planners. This provides autonomous systems with the ability to adapt motion plans to a priori unknown environments in real-time as sensor measurements detect new obstacles, and the flexibility to maneuver differently in the presence of obstacles than they would in free space, all while maintaining a strict safety guarantee. We demonstrate the meta-planning algorithm both in simulation and in hardware using a small Crazyflie 2.0 quadrotor.